Monday, April 13, 2009

4 million gajillion billion

These are really awkward posting with only two people reading them, but I don't want to facebook link it because I want my mother to not read it. And then it feels even weirder linking people individually, because it's like I'm commanding them to read my strange and silly random drabble. But don't read this as "well, clearly he's saying he just wants me to link people to this." However, if you legitimately find something I say interesting, sharing it would be appreciated. On with the silly drabble:

Why do people keep pets? They're cute, but ultimately you get over how cute they are and just find them annoying. They aren't comforting, they either bring in the trouble of training them or they make a mess, lots of people are allergic to them (which might not affect you personally, but it could affect your company); they are replaceable and yet their death brings about unfailing and instant tragedy. Then again apply the same to human relations. I guess pets are just the same basic instinct, with much less effort.

This isn't all true. I enjoy my cats' company every now and then. But they also get on my nerves more than any human ever has.


  1. Well personally I've never had the problem of my friends being allergic to my brother... but I have gotten really annoyed with him. My thoery is that people take out their frusterations on people they trust to love them even afterward. or animals?

  2. People and pets both breath, they moth eat, they both fuck, they both think (to a point), they both shit. Their existence only matters to the few who's lives are impacted, and their deaths are just as depressing and irrelevant depending on who you talk to and in the grand scheme of things their life is forgotten. And they are both the origins of some of the greatest and worst feeling and emotions ever felt. Get rid of one, might as well get rid of the other.
