Monday, April 13, 2009

4 million gajillion billion

These are really awkward posting with only two people reading them, but I don't want to facebook link it because I want my mother to not read it. And then it feels even weirder linking people individually, because it's like I'm commanding them to read my strange and silly random drabble. But don't read this as "well, clearly he's saying he just wants me to link people to this." However, if you legitimately find something I say interesting, sharing it would be appreciated. On with the silly drabble:

Why do people keep pets? They're cute, but ultimately you get over how cute they are and just find them annoying. They aren't comforting, they either bring in the trouble of training them or they make a mess, lots of people are allergic to them (which might not affect you personally, but it could affect your company); they are replaceable and yet their death brings about unfailing and instant tragedy. Then again apply the same to human relations. I guess pets are just the same basic instinct, with much less effort.

This isn't all true. I enjoy my cats' company every now and then. But they also get on my nerves more than any human ever has.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

ripples by the drop

Every night before I fall asleep I find myself swimming in an ocean of smiley faces and one of them is calling my name I go to him and he is dying I hold him until he's gone and I tell him I will always love him and vomit and they all stare and before I know it I'm awake again and he's gone though I loved him.


There was this cool final fantasy concert tonight. I really wanted to go. Actually I started practicing piano for the first time in too long and I wanted to keep doing that, but I knew I would regret not going to the concert. So when my brother called me at 6:55 offering to buy me a ticket I decided I would go. I searched for the car GPS for too long before deciding to use google maps, running up and down between levels all the while to make sure I had the right things in my pockets. I finally received the time estimate of about an hour from google maps at about 7:15, and decided that plus parking I had missed the concert. Story for a rainy day, everyone nods and says "aww golly" while staring blankly to the side.

This is the blog of a person who no longer has anything to say. Actually he never had anything to say in the first place; he's just finally seen the windmills for windmills. The miracle of consciosness lost it's splendor, giving way to a gross, bland gray blob with a sign on it saying "better than nothing." Clearly this person is lying to you, because he's actually saying something. It's just something about what he's saying and nothing else. It's a self-contained structure that he's trying to apply to the rest of life in search of some final complexity, some final understanding. Or rather some final solace in that he doesn't understand.

"I know nothing save the fact of my ignorance" quoth socrates. And he must have held that thought too long and clawed it's eyes until he was sqeaking it out before the laughter of a crowd that already knew. But the unexamined life is not worth living! Thanks einstein, we didn't know that, can you please let us get back to playing pretend? Fuck, he won't shut up. Here, drink this, that's better, on with it and tell me how I may live.

If a genie popped out of a bottle right now and held a gun to my head and asked what your one wish was before he blew your head off just after, what would it be? Except it could only be something you could have yourself accomplished given the proper dedication. After this he will travel to an alternate universe where he didn't ask you, 70 years in the future in the form of disease and ask you again and compare and contrast. Then a bigger genie asks the genie the same question.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just to clarify, although the title of the blog seems like it could be sarcastic, I would like to emphasize that it is not. I am actually not a shark disguised as a human being, that would be impossible and ridiculous. Why, if I were a shark, how would I be able to type? Sharks have fins, silly, not these convenient human fingers.